Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C512C.512Kb, 2-wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports
up to eight devices on single 2-wire bus.
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C512B.512K, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports
up to four devices on single 2-Wire bus.
32Kb/64Kb, 2-Wire Bus Serial Automotive EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports up to eight devices on single 2-Wire
bus. AT24C32A Automotive not recommended for new design; replaced by AT2...
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C32C or AT24C64C.32Kb/64Kb, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write
Protect, supports up to eight devices on single 2-Wire bus.
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C256C.256Kb, 2-wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports
up to eight devices on single 2-wire bus.
16Kb, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications
where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential.
The Atmel high speed, 128Kb SPI bus serial EEPROMs support SPI Modes 0 and 3 operation. The EEPROM is organized as 16,384
words x 8 bits and optimized for industrial and commercial applications where ...