Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C128C/256C Automotive.128Kb/256Kb, 2-wire Bus Serial Automotive EEPROM
with full memory Write Protect, supports up to four devices on single 2-wire b...
Not Recommended for New Desig. Replaced by AT24C128B and AT24C256B.128Kb/256Kb, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory
Write Protect, supports up to four devices on single 2-Wire bus.
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C1024B.1Mb, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports
up to two devices on single 2-Wire bus.
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C04C or AT24C08C.4K bit/8K bit, 2-wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory
Write Protect, supports up to 4/2 devices respectively on single 2-wire bus...
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C02C.2K bit, 2-Wire Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect, supports
up to eight devices on single 2-Wire bus.
1Kb/2Kb/4Kb/8Kb/16Kb, 2-wire Bus Serial Automotive EEPROM with full memory Write Protect. AT24C01A Automotive not recommended
for new design; replaced by AT24C01B Automotive. AT24C02A Automotiv...
Not Recommended for New Design. Replaced by AT24C01B, AT24C02B, AT24C04B, AT24C08B and AT24C16B.1/2/4/8/16K bit, 2-Wire
Bus Serial EEPROM with full memory Write Protect.